Bsombin' Los Angeles

Bsombin' Los Angeles
Bsombin' Los Angeles

Friday, July 27, 2012

My poem & the jr. photographer's picture

Hello world! Thanks for checking in with Bsombin'! ...Recently, my lil' girl & I noticed a spider had spun it's web outside our door. We watched it for a few days & one day, we got to watch the spider in action, as it ate it's catch. The lil' shutterbug ran for the camera. I sat and watched while I pondered life & death for the two sides. I wrote, while the kid worked on getting the perfect shot. Here is a combined effort, from my daughter & I. We hope you enjoy! Please check back soon!

"Caught In The Web"

The Fly
Till it could not;
Then it 
Landed &
Began to 
Die, & Rot;
Though it tried
To Fight,
It fought  & fought;
It could not fight
What none 
Can stop;
Because, in
Death's web 
Is where the fly
Was caught;
For the spider's 
The fly's death was brought!

..."The circle of 
As I was taught


Friday, July 13, 2012

I love my mutt!!!!

Hello! Thanks for checkin' out the blog! ...I'm still working on my book. Thought I'd share another poem. This time, it's about my lil' four-legged friend...

"My Mutt"

What words come 
To mind,
As I sit &
Spend time
With my 
Loyal & loving

...Adorable is first,
With her 
Cute little face & 
The funny way,that she 
Runs & jumps 
All over the place

...Loving is second,
This, without a doubt,
It's plain to see
Loving is what this dog is all about

...Smart is next,
As, time after time,
She has proven that 
She has a sharp little mind

...Last, but not least,
My mutt is 
So much fun
She makes me 
Smile in the rain & 
Laugh in the sun

To sum it all up,
I know that, on her, 
I can depend 
& She'll be a 
Loving & loyal friend
Till the end


Thursday, July 12, 2012

The 4th of July with the Dodgers

Thanks for stoppin' by the blog! I'm almost caught up now, with the backed-up content. I'm a little over a week late on this one, but I thought I'd share it anyways... I got to spend the 4th with my family, at Dodger Stadium, watching "Los Doyers" kick the Cincinnati Reds' butts. Afterwards, we got to watch the fireworks show there, with Dodger dogs in belly & beer in hand. It goes without saying, we had a great time, obviously! But the best fireworks, in my opinion, were all the ones we saw going off on the way home! The entire city was lit up by skyrockets, & flashing fountains, which made for a beautiful view as we drove through the "city of angeles". People, everywhere, were setting off fireworks & making it plain to see that it was a night to celebrate! I didn't get images from the ride home, but I got plenty of the game, & the fireworks at the stadium(plus a little bit of video), to share... Check back soon for more art, poems, music & more!

The Chocolate & Art show

Still playin' catch-up, with the content, over here...  I was invited to show some art, last month, at the Chocolate & Art show. It was held at the KGB Gallery, near Down Town L.A, & was host to a wide array of artist that brought together an even more eclectic crowd of art lovers. In addition to the art on the walls, there was also live body painting, live music, & several vendors selling some beautiful art & crafts. I bumped into some friends, & made some new ones as well, & had a great time hanging out with people from all walks of life. Here are some images from the show... Thanks for checkin' out the blog! Check back soon for more Bsombin'!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Roundhouse Aquarium in Huntington Beach

'Sup world?! So I am playing catch-up tonight. ...School has been out for almost a month. But, right before the school year ended, I had the pleasure of going on one more field trip with my lil' girl & her classmates. We took a trip to Huntington Beach, to visit the Roundhouse aquarium. We met up early in the morning, before school started, & boarded the school buses. After a 45 minute drive down the 405 freeway, we arrived in Huntington beach. It was a short walk, from the buses, to the end of the pier where the aquarium is located. We lined up outside, before being lead inside. Once inside we got to see all sorts of marine life. The staff at the Roundhouse talked to us about the ocean & reminded us about how important the oceans, and the creatures that live in them, are to our existence. And about how we all need to do our part to protect & preserve the oceans & all the living things in them, in order to maintain the balance in the worlds echo-systems & our environment. After hanging out in the Roundhouse, we all went down to the beach to play in the sand for a bit, before eating lunch. After lunch, we headed up the street to the ice cream parlor for a treat, before heading back home. It was a fun & educational day that I will always remember, seeing as how it was a great day spent with my lil' princess! Below are some pics from the trip...