Thanks for stoppin' by the blog! I'm almost caught up now, with the backed-up content. I'm a little over a week late on this one, but I thought I'd share it anyways... I got to spend the 4th with my family, at Dodger Stadium, watching "Los Doyers" kick the Cincinnati Reds' butts. Afterwards, we got to watch the fireworks show there, with Dodger dogs in belly & beer in hand. It goes without saying, we had a great time, obviously! But the best fireworks, in my opinion, were all the ones we saw going off on the way home! The entire city was lit up by skyrockets, & flashing fountains, which made for a beautiful view as we drove through the "city of angeles". People, everywhere, were setting off fireworks & making it plain to see that it was a night to celebrate! I didn't get images from the ride home, but I got plenty of the game, & the fireworks at the stadium(plus a little bit of video), to share... Check back soon for more art, poems, music & more!