Thanks for stoppin' by and checkin' out the Bsombin' blog! We're nearing the end of our tour of the pre-pandemic Broad museum. There are just a few sections left to see, before we leave the museum and go out cruising. I have a ton of lowrider pictures to get to, among other things. But, first, we're going to check out my favorite section of the Broad...
The first time I went to the Broad, Takashi Murakami's work was being featured in the main section of the museum. That was one of my main reasons for going, then. I had just learned about Murakami's work and was really interested in seeing it in person. Seeing his work in person was breathtaking! The scale of his larger works and the amount of detail that every piece had left me confused. It was too much to process. There was so much to see in every piece. I could't understand how one person could do so much. I later found out that it was actually a whole team of people working under Murakami's direction that produced these pieces. His creative process is more like a production, because it's usually in such a large scale and involves so many elements and people. The products of these production are some of the most fun, colorful, and detailed pieces of art that I have ever seen.
When we got to the Murakami section, my aunt was speechless. I was pretty quite myself. I love this man's work for so many reasons. It makes me feel like a little kid watching Saturday morning cartoons, with all the colorfully animated characters. We stayed in this section for a while just quietly staring into the fantastic worlds that Murakami created in his works. I'm including some close ups to give you a better idea of just how insane the detail in his work is. In doing so, I got a little lost in those fantastic worlds and forgot to take pictures of two of the pieces' name plaques. So I'll just list them here in the order that I have them showing below.
1.) My arms and legs rot off though my blood rushes forth, the tranquility of my heart shall be prized above all. (Red blood, black blood, blood that is not blood)
2.) Tan Tan Bo a.k.a Gerotan: Scorched by the Blaze in the Purgatory of Knowledge
3.) Of Chinese Lions, Peonies, Skulls, And Fountains
4.) Hustle'n'Punch By Kaikai Kiki