Thanks for stoppin' by the Bsombin' blog. A couple of weekends ago I went out to Brand Park (in Mission Hills) for a lowrider picnic. One of my fellow lowrider photographers (@gusphotography818) was celebrating a birthday. His dad (@Cookiezproductionz818) is a pretty well know member of the lowrider community. Cookie organizes a lot of the cruises and lowrider events in the San Fernando Valley. So he invented the lowrider community to come out to Brand Park to help celebrate his son Gus' B-day.
I had to work that day, so I just stopped by for a little bit to see who was there and to get some flicks of the lowriders. I got there about a half hour after the picnic started. There weren't a lot of cars there yet. I think there were maybe 10 or 11 lowlows in the lot, when I got there. But there were still some good photo opportunities.
The first thing I did, when I got there, was shoot Cookie's lowrider. This car is bad ass! It's fully customized to the point were I'm not entirely sure what kind of car it actually is. I think it's a 1966 Chevy Impala. But, it's hard to be sure, with all the customization that has gone into this car. All I know for sure it that it's name it "Crystal Blue Persuasion", it's a '66, and it's one of the most unique cars I have ever seen. I got some flicks of it last year at the Dia De Los Muertos Cruise that Cookie hosted. But I wanted to get some more close up shots of all the beautiful detail that this car has in it. The paint job and pinstriping alone are amazing! It was sitting at the entrance to the parking lot next to a clean Harley. Cookie posted some toy lowriders in front of Crystal Blue, too. This post is all about Crystal Blue Persuasion, because it is such a unique and beautiful work of art.
After I finished geekin' out on Cookie's car, I found another classic that I got stuck on. So the next post will be all about that car. Then, we'll check out the rest of the lowriders, before we move on to the Crystal Cathedral. Check back soon to see the other bad ass cars that showed up for Gus' Birthday picnic! And for more stories, art, photography, and poetry here on the Bsombin' blog!
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