Bsombin' Los Angeles

Bsombin' Los Angeles
Bsombin' Los Angeles

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Testing Ideas

Thanks for checkin' out the blog! Long exposure photography is my favorite! I instantly fell in love with it the first time I saw a picture with light trails in it. It fascinated me. I couldn't get over how strange it was that light left trails that we couldn't see with out eyes. I wanted to learn how to take picture with light trails for a long time, after that. Which is why, light trails were one of the first things I started shooting, when I got into photography. I started experimenting with long exposure photography learning to take my own light trail shots. Soon I was learning how to spin orbs and spin steel wool. I even learned how to make my own light brushes and spinning tools. It was just recently, though, that I started exploring the possibilities of combining long expose photography with time lapse photography. I have some ideas that I am developing for a time lapse project I want to shoot. But I'm still in the process of working out how to project the visions I see with the resources I have. The goal is to create a unique time lapse video that employs a variety of long exposure tricks to give extraordinary new life to something ordinary. I wanted to test out some ideas. To see how some of my theories play out in reality, I made a short light painting time lapse test. I'm using it as a base for the development of my project. I wanted to share some of the edited pictures that came out of the time lapse. I also stacked some of the edited pictures and made some light painting graffiti composites to share...


I'll be posting more of the project, as I develop my ideas, since I feel I have a long way to go on this one. I'm planning on shooting more tests and will probably make a tutorial video out of at least one of the tests. So please check back soon from more Bsombin' art, photography, poetry, videos, and more!

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