I was recently invited, by my good friend Mold, to be part of the "Exhibit Terror" art show, at
EM's Artist Cafe, in Culver City. It was just the motivation that I needed to get me painting again, after several months without touching a brush. Unfortunately I went to big, and my new canvas wouldn't fit in the show. Luckily, I had "The Queen of Hearts" sitting around, & ready to show, so it all worked out. There was an opening reception this past weekend that turned up a pretty good sized, and very eclectic, crowd. Em's Artist Cafe was filled with artists & art fans alike, while DJ's played electronic music inside & live bands played a variety of rock outside. The show runs till the end of the month, if you happen to be in Culver City and want to check it out. The address is 2926 La Cienega Blvd.,Culver City 90232. I took some pics of most of the art. The art wasn't labeled so I'm not sure about who the artist were. Some pieces, however, are obvious as to who they are by. Here are some images from the night and I tried to label what I could of the art...




