Bsombin' Los Angeles

Bsombin' Los Angeles
Bsombin' Los Angeles

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A new poem for the new year

Hi! Thanks for checkin' out Bsombin'! In light of my belated Dec. mix, I want to make sure I don't slip on the mix this month. I started getting tracks together, & arranging them, for the mix. But I still have some work to do before it's done. I wanna put it down a lot harder, this year, so I am taking a little longer than usual with my mixes now. While I work on some more music to share, I'll leave you with a poem about music. Hope you enjoy & come back again for more art, music, poetry, & more!

"The Sweetest Sound"

As far as I can recall,
From where my memories start,
You have 
Helped me get through it all &
Poured inspiration 
Into my heart

You have made me
In love,
& able to survive

My companion,
Through, both,
heartache & celebration;
From the lowest lows
To the highest elevations

You lead me to 
Feel an array of emotions that are sublime;
You paint visions for the blind;
Open up minds; & 
Transport lovers through time,
With your sound so divine...
Without you, 
Happiness would be much harder to find

Sweet sounds,
With your 
Tempo; & 
You give cause 
For movement to
Hips; & 

I love you,
In your vastness &
Thank you for the 
Passion, & burn, that you
Fire in me! 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous13.1.13

    Music is the soundtrack to life..beautiful!
