Bsombin' Los Angeles

Bsombin' Los Angeles
Bsombin' Los Angeles

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Slow Exposure Spins - Pt.2

Thanks for checkin' out my blog. If you've been waiting for this next part of the slow exposure spinning "tutorial", I apologize for the long wait! The work load has been heavy and there hasn't been much time for sleep (let alone blogging). But I didn't want to hold things up any more than I already have. Lol. Before I get into my explanation of how to spin wool, here's my disclaimer...

First, I am not a professional pyrotechnic! I don't even know if you could call me a professional photographer! Lol. I am not claiming to be any type of authority on anything either. I just like taking pictures, have learned a good amount about spinning through research and practice, and want to share what I have learned with anyone else that might be interested in learning how to capture slow exposure images. 

Second, spinning steel wool is dangerous!! When you spin, you take the risk of burning yourself and/or anything/anyone that is around you. Hopefully, no one is thinking about doing this anywhere near flammable gases; liquids; or materials of any kind. If the thought had crossed your mind, DON'T!! The shower of sparks can easily set fire to things or cause serious injuries when it shoots everywhere. So if you are going to try spinning, stand at least 50 ft. away from anything or anyone that you don't want to shower with red hot balls of burning steel wool. ...Maybe 100 ft., just to be safe. The burning wool balls go far and burn red hot. They can go right through fabric and cause some bad burns, if they land on you. I know because I learned the hard way just how fast the red hot steel wool projectiles can burn through clothes and singe skin. So make sure to always spin outdoors and stay away from dry vegetation, brush, fabrics, etc. 

So here's what you'll need...
1. A camera that has a long exposure option, to shoot with. Some compact/point-n-shoot cameras & most SLR cameras have this option available. Or you could try finding a long exposure app to download for your smart phones.

2. A tripod or something that can substitute as one. ...Anything sold that you can set the camera or smart phone on top of to keep it perfectly still during the exposure time.

3. A cooking wisk or something similar that will hold the mass of wool while still allowing the small bits to tear off and spin into a shower of flames.

4. A rope or chain to tie to the wisk. I suggest making it about 3 ft long. The longer it is, the harder it will be to start spinning and to control once in motion. Plus it will increase the range of the spark shower and give you even less control of things. You don't want things getting out of control, when flaming fire balls are involved!! But I wouldn't make it too short either. Then your fiery donuts will look more like sparkling donut holes. Also, be careful how you attache the rope/chain to the wisk, to avoid having the wisk come loose and fly off while you are spinning.

5. Steel wool. There are different counts on wool and not all wool burns the same. Some burns faster and hotter than others. So depending on what you are trying to get out of your spinning shots, you might want to try different kinds.

6. A lighter. Not matches, since you will need to be able to start swinging the wisk as soon as you get the wool lit. You'll need at least one hand free, in order to get things going. So matches are out of the question. You don't want to have another person light the wool either, since you won't be able to wait too long for them to get to a safe distance before you start spinning. If you wait too long, the wool will go out.

7. A partner to click the shutters. ...Unless your camera has a timer or remote control. But spinning is safer and more fun if you have someone to shoot with. 

Below is a picture of the wool, wisk, rope, & lighter that my daughter and I used on our little wool shoot. I actually found everything at the 99 Cent Store and was able to save some time and money verses going to a couple of stores and paying 2-3 times more. 

Now you know what you need. Once you have all your supplies and tools ready, the spinner will start by loosening up a roll of steel wool to make it easier to light. Just place the wool into the center of the wisk, the way I have shown in the picture. Once you get the wool lit and starting to burn, begin to slowly spin the rope at a short length and gradually let the length increase with each spin. Remember that the harder and faster you spin, more wool will burn; the sparks will fly farther; and the wool will burn hotter. This mean it becomes more dangerous and you won't be able to do as much in the shorter burn time.

While the spinner is starting to spin, the shooter will hit the shutter buttons on the camera or cameras. The best settings for a spin will vary, depending on the camera you are using; the amount of environmental light surrounding the spinner; the type of wool being spun; & amount of time you want to spin. I shoot with a few different Canon cameras. I usually keep my exposure time between 10-15 sec, the ISO around 600 for shorter times & around 400 for longer exposures. I like to experiment with the aperture, but I don't stray too far from around f/8.

As you can see in the picture above, it's best to have a lot of wool, when you go to spin. Especially on your first spinning adventure. You will need to get at least a couple of test spins in to figure out your settings. And the wool goes fast, once you start. It wasn't hard for me to go through a whole pack of wool on one shoot. So I suggest taking, at least, a pack or two.

Below is one more spinning shot, from that last father-daughter photo session. I used the supplies I have shown above, had my daughter's Canon XTi on a tripod, and had the settings at 15sec, ISO600, & f/8. I did edited the picture in Photoshop, to add a little saturation. But the edits were minor...

The last post will come a lot sooner than this one did. That's when I'll explain how to make a light orb. But, for now, I need to get back to work. ...Check back soon for more light painting and Bsombin'!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Poetry Mondays

Hello world! Thanks for stoppin' by my blog. I haven't posted in a bit. So, I will be posting a few more things through out the week, this week. To start, I wanted to share a new poem I wrote...  

"Absence's Fruit" 

What is this that
Absence has grown
In my temple's garden?

...It grew,
Potted in
Insecurities, doubts, and 
Rumination's endlessness... 
Without light or love,
Fed fears and worries 
By despair's 
Icy, hard, black hands

It sprouted at dusk
And saw night before day,
Kissed by moon beams,
Under ultraviolet skies,
Absorbing only the star's shine and
The night's cold

It drew nutrients from
Silver linings and solitude's calm,
After finding Need's priority over Want; &
Want's appeal over Had; &
Had's sour after-taste lingering
In my rib and vertebrae

When it should have died,
Out of a broken rotting bud
Bloomed a titanium blossom
With matte black petals,
Polished onyx leaves and 
Diamond tipped thorns

It's cold hard ebony branches hold
The fruits of fortitude,
As the sun rises to find
It's twisted black limbs
Escalating in a 
Spiral around my 
Delicate tenderness,
Surrounding the fragile pieces and bits,
Being worn like a heated exoskeleton
Incubating and encapsulating
The frail frozen fragments,
The Strong tree casts its shadow on
The sad past
& it's wilted memories,
Surrounding our echos with 
Muting vines and 
Fencing out those apparitions 
Left by us to haunt me. 


Friday, April 24, 2015

Slow Exposure Spins - Pt.1

What up world?! Thanks for checkin' out my blog! In a previous post I mentioned that I was going to be sharing some pics that my daughter and I shot over her Spring break. Also, I said I would explain how we created the images we captured. So here is the first part of that light painting post I was talkin' about... 

I decided to put the "ends" before the "means", on this post, to show what it is I'm talkin' about, before I start explaining what we did to get the pictures. Below are some of the better shots we got out of the couple dozen attempts we made. It's 2 steel wool spins and 2 light stick orbs. In the next post, I'll show you what we did, for those looking to capture some spins and orbs of your own. Check back soon for the second part of Slow Exposure Spins and for more Bsombin'!     

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Puddle chasing around City Hall with Ms. Elotes & Mr. A.L.L. - Pt.1

Hello world! Thanks for checkin' out my blog! Last month, we got a lil' bit of rain, here in Los Angeles. We don't see it much, so I get excited when it does come down. Mr. At Last League (A.K.A. my bro Jefroe) was also excited about the rain and the opportunity to shoot puddle-shots. Can't remember if he hit me up or if I hit him up to shoot. But, either way, we found ourselves driving out to D.T.L.A. On the way to downtown, Mr. A.L.L. mentioned that our friend, Ms. Elotes, wanted to meet up with us. We met up with her outside of a bar below the Alexandria hotel. It was funny to me that we met there, because the first time we hung out with Ms. Elotes it was at a rave inside the Alexandria. After meeting up, we headed over to a little bar on 2nd street and had a few drinks while catching up, since we haven't all hung out together for a good while. Ms. Elotes decided to join us on our "puddle-chase", since we were having such a good time. After the bar, we decided to just roam the neighborhood and we ended up shooting around City Hall. I had a great night! ...both, with my friends and with my camera. I got a lot of shots I was happy with, on our inebriated adventure, surprisingly. So, for that reason, I'm making this a three part post...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Writing with light

Thanks for stoppin' by to check out my blog! As an artist, I am always looking for new ways to create and express myself. For this reason, I love to explore the infinite possibilities presented by mixing different artist's mediums. I also try to incorporate different media, like photo and video, into my work when ever I can. So it occurred to me to try mixing my calligraphy art with slow/long exposure photography to create some glowing letters! My assistant had to go to bed, since it was a school night. So, I had to move quick and think fast, being both the shooter and the light painter. These "B's" are from the first night's batch of illuminated handstyles. It took a few fails before figuring it out, and I still need a lot more practice, but these are the 2 best shots out of about 20 attempts. I had the shutter open for 25sec., to give me enough time to click the shutter, run in front to the camera, & write. And, my ISO was at 400 with the F at 4, in case anyone is wondering. I think the letters would have come out better if I would have had someone to click the shutter for me. But, considering I was solo, I think they came out good enough to share. My assistant was on Spring break this past week, so we managed to find a little time for a father-daughter-light-painting session in which I introduced her to steel wool. I also learned how to spin an orb! So I will be posting those pics soon, and will tell you how I created them, so don't forget to check back soon for more Bsombin'!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Bird watching

I've been doin' some bird watching lately. It gave me a chance to play with my telephoto lens, which was cool. Not sure if they are hawks or falcons, but this pair of predators has been getting my attention lately. I got my eye on these two because they have their eyes on my pet bunny! Normally, I would love for this pair of love birds to let me get closer and take some better pics. But in this case, I hope they don't get any closer than this.

#DTLA #Lurking - Pt.2

Monday, March 30, 2015

#DTLA #Lurking - Pt.1

'Sup world!? Many thanks for visiting this here blog o' mine! I'll spare you the long version and abbreviate the story behind this set of pictures... Some of the ILUMN8 fam was getting together to break bread, in Little Tokyo, one night last month. Some business was spoken, but most of the conversation at the dinner table wasn't about business. After dinner, drinks, some smoke, and a lot of laughs, we split back up into the groups and pairs that we arrived, bid one another good night, and we headed out onto our separate adventures. Which brings me to the shots I'm sharing today. Obviously, this is where my adventure took me that night. ...high and low through the streets of DTLA. From J-Town, to the 101, to City Hall, to some rooftops over 3rd street, and back to "Pearl"( truck). Here are some shot's from my Friday night lurk through DTLA, for you to enjoy. Check back soon for more Bsombin'!