Bsombin' Los Angeles

Bsombin' Los Angeles
Bsombin' Los Angeles

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pyromaniac Poetry

When I was a kid, in elementary school, I was drawn to fire & always wanted to play with it. Needless to say I got in a lot of trouble, & I burned myself a lot, as a child. As I got older, I evolved from lighting fires to making explosives. I taught myself a great deal about weapons, explosives, & survival techniques. ...I guess you could say I was a bit of a "Jr. Doomsday Preper" at that point in my life. Lol. ...Despite my family's efforts to discourage my fire starting, I continued on this destructive path until I reached the 7th grade. That was when I discovered graffiti & turned from my pyromaniac ways. I went from burning things & making bombs to, as they say, "throwing up burners & bombin' the city". Years later, I discovered my love for poetry, in high school. I wrote this poem, while I was a Junior at Reseda High School, remembering my love for fire as a child. I kept it & it was one of the handful of poems that lead me to the decision to write a book of poems. I even decided to include it in the book. I guess you could say I have been working on my book of poems for a good minute. Lol. I hope you enjoy this poem, as it is very dear to me, being that it is one of the oldest poems I have written. Check back soon for more Bsombin'!!

"Your Warmth..."

Flickering flame,
While caressing my cold flesh 
With your luminous warmth
& twinkling rays, 
You cast my 
Amour & iniquity 
Into the depths of 
Raven shadows

...Your soundless cries,
& enchantingly
Rhythmic flutter, 
Place their 
Incantation upon me,
While my mind drifts in 
Your smokes embrace, 
...I sit subdued, &
Mesmerized, by your
Beautiful glow

As you dance
Through the night,
You burn 
memories onto 
Nights face;  
Vanquish darkness; & 
Kiss me with 

...Without you I'm lost


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